You the parent can’t afford to keep using unfiltered internet content at home. You have no time to monitor internet use, which is why these countermeasures are specialized (let us fight the online battles for you) so you can focus elsewhere. Use our Content filter to fend off disgusting harmful online content from destroying the innocence of your child.


Main Filtering Categories


Botnets & C2C
Packed Domains
Phishing & Typosquatting

Illegal Activity

Academic Fraud
Proxies & Anonymizers
Child Sexual Abuse
Child Sexual Abuse (IWF)
Hate & Discrimination

Adult Related

Adult Sites
Alcohol & Tobacco
Pornography & Sexuality

Bandwidth Hogs

File Storage
Photo Sharing
Movies & Video
Torrent & P2P
Musci & Radio

Time Wasters

Chats & Messengers
Online Ads
Social Media

How does it work?



Click "Get It Now" button, get the DNS and any other add-ons and support package you may need.


Check your email

If you are configuring your router yourself, click self-help and get started. If you need our help, make sure you click to add our remote support one-off cost to configure your router for you.


Set our filter IP Addresses

On your router, two addtional things to add, our filter IPv4 to your LAN & WAN settings. Refer to our guide/knowledgebase for more information.


Static or Public IP Addresses

If you have a public IP, awesome, click add-this to get a hostname. You don't need it if you are getting a static IP address from your ISP. You need a static IP address if you ISP uses a CGNAT network. Find out more information about CGNAT here.


Our customers are Safe & Happy

“I am seeing my kids on devices knowing that I got Safe Web Traffic filters working in the background to keep out bad stuff from the internet. It does give me peace of mind!”

Etimani Efu

“It has been over a year since my family have been using this service. It is a very important to be mindful of online safety on the internet at home. I am happy with this service that my family uses. I am at peace when my young ones use the internet. Not only to protect children from inappropriate website contents but also for the rest of the family. I believe that every family should have this service to filter harmful internet content at home. I would like to acknowledge the Team for this great service and making it available at a very affordable rate for our homes. Thank you!”

Laufou Malaga

“We signed up to use Safe Web Traffic at the very beginning about two years ago. It has worked really well for us. No issues. We are very happy knowing we've setup a most needed countermeasure at the internet gateway at home against the bad content and harmful stuff from the internet. ”

Sione & Niki Pulu

“Awesome system. Works well at home. It helps to know something is there to counter the ugly stuff online. Good for the kids.”

Tuipulotu Family

asked questions

Go to our knowledgebase for more information.

The answer is simple. Because it helps protect your home from sophisticated intruders coming through the internet to your house. These sophisticated criminals are constantly attacking vulnerable systems around the world.

A content filter is only possible if you use a smart and intelligent program (AI) to categorise all the websites on the internet into a number of categories. Those contents from different websites are then sorted into “harmful and toxic” and “good and useful.” You will then be able to tell the system which category to block or allow to be viewed on your network. 

DNS filter blocks domains. The domains are website addresses. Those domain names are already sorted into a category. 

Yes, we have sets of instructions that can help you do this yourself on your router. You can use this guide to help you set up if you have a dynamic IP address.

On your router in the network settings, you can set up our DNS server addresses and put in the public static IP address we provide in order for the filters to work properly.

You can follow our do-it-yourself guide

Make sure after configuring your router – that is adding our static IPs to LAN & WAN plus your hostname from us and DDNS credentials to DYNDNS. Then make sure you add the hostname or your static IP address/addresses (IPV4/IPV6) to the settings on your Safe Web Traffic dashboard and click add to save. 

You also need to make sure you are not being assigned a private IP address. If that is the case then your ISP is using CGNAT therefore you should get static IP addresses from your ISP. There may be a small monthly for this you pay the ISP. 

You can also change ISPs if your current ISP is using a CGNAT network – there is that option. 


Zero Cost Deployment.

Straight forward pricing, no hidden cost.